In this study, the role of negative thoughts of special education teachers on job satisfaction and burnout is examined. The study was carried out with 287 participants from schools in Istanbul. The sample was selected by easy sampling method. The study is a quanlitative research. Maslach Burnout Inventory is used to determine the level of burnout, The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire is used to scale level of job satisfaction on participants and negative automatic thoughts are measured by Automatic Thoughts Scale. T-Test, ANOVA, correlation and regression analyzes were used to evaluate the data. According to the results, negative automatic thoughts of teachers have been found to increase their burnout and decrease their job satisfaction. When the results were examined, it was found that the burnout levels of the participants differed significantly with gender, marital status, graduation status and economic status; job satisfaction levels of teachers differ according to the variables of gender, age, graduation status and economic status; and their negative automatic thoughts differ significantly according to gender, age, length of working years, graduation status and economic status.
Key words: Special education, burnout, job satisfaction, automatic thoughts