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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1163-1171

The Use Of Augmented Reality Book To Enhance Writing Skill Of Primary School Students using Thai As A Second Language

Kittisak Na patthalung, Nuttaphong Kanchanachaya, Kanita Nitjarunkul, Virintorn Auksornnit, Juta Tammachart, Wachira Duangjaidee.


This research was conducted to 1) develop augmented reality book to enhance writing skill of Thai alphabets and numbers writing of the first-grade students using Thai as a secondlanguage,
2) examine the effectiveness of the AR book usage, and 3) explore the students’ satisfaction of the AR book. The samples included 64 first-grade students of Demonstration School Prince of Songkla University (Primary). They were divided into an experimental group of 35 students and a controlled group of 34 students. The instruments covered 1) AR book for the writing practice of Thai alphabets and numbers of the first-grade students, 2) AR learning lesson plan, 3) traditional learning lesson plan, 4) achievement test on Thai alphabets and numbers writing, and 5) satisfaction questionnaire towards the AR book usage. Mean, standard deviation and t-test were employed in data analysis. The research findings were as follows. 1) The quality and effectiveness of the AR book was at a high level (mean = 4.79, SD = 0.28) with efficiency at 82.25/81.85. 2) The achievement test score of the experimental group (mean = 82.14, SD = 4.14) was higher than that of the controlled group (mean = 75.47, SD = 5.62) at a significant level of .01. 3) The students’ satisfaction towards the AR book was at the highest level (mean = 4.52, SD of 0.65).

Key words: Thai alphabets, Thai numbers, Augmented Reality, Augmented Reality Book, Thai alphabets and Thai numbers writing ability, Satisfaction,Primary education

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