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Research Article

EEO. 2019; 18(4): 1779-1804

The Effect of Self-Regulated Writing Instruction on Middle School Students’ Informative Writing Skills, Self-Regulated Writing Skills, and Self-Efficacy Perception

Merve Müldür,Alemdar Yalçın.


The study aims to investigate the effect of self-regulated writing instruction on middle school students’ informative and self-regulated writing skills and writing self-efficacy perceptions. The study is designed with explanatory sequential design among mixed method research designs. A quasi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test control group is used. The experimental group students are trained on self-regulated writing instruction, while control group students receive writing instruction based on Teaching Turkish Curriculum. Three data collection tools are used in the study as quantitative data collection tools. Independent samples t-test and two-way ANOVA for mixed measures are used to compare the averages of pre and post-test scores. Qualitative data are collected through semi-structured interviews and analysed via content analysis. Post-test results indicate that experimental group students have significantly higher levels of informative and self-regulated writing skills and writing self-efficacy perceptions compared to control group. Qualitative data gather around five themes which are motivation, developing skills, contributions, supportive factors and problems.

Key words: Self-regulated writing, writing instruction, informative writing, writing self-efficacy

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