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Research Article

EEO. 2018; 17(1): 268-276

Developing Textbooks Thematic Based on Character Education at Elementary School

Meilan Tri Wuryani, Roemintoyo, Sri Yamtinah.


The purpose of this research is to develop a textbooks thematic based on character education at elementary school. The model used in this study is the research and development model (R&D). Data collection include: interviews, observation, achievement tests (pretest-posttest), students responses, and documentation. The results can be concluded that: 1) students responses toward the textbooks development on preliminary field testing are 78.64%, and include in a good and feasibility category; 2) the students learning achievements on main field testing before and after the thematic textbooks utilization are increased. The t-test shows that tobs = 7,5166 and t(0,05;40) = 1,7487, so tobs > t(0,05’40) that thit DK, therefore Ho is rejected. Eventually, it can be concluded that the developed textbooks is eligible for teaching learning.

Key words: textbooks development, thematic learning, character education, elementary school

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