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Research Article

EEO. 2015; 14(3): 1096-1105

A Study of Scale Development on Primary School Students’ Attitudes towards Project Based Learning



The purpose of this research is to develop an attitude scale which intends to measure primary school students’ attitudes towards Project Based Learning. A 30 item trial form of the Project Based Learning Attitude Scale was constructed. For this, related literature was reviewed for the learning outcomes of Project Based Learning and these outcomes were used for the construction of the items of the scale. The trial form was administered to totally 698 participants who were fourth grade primary school students in Mersin and Adana. Item scale correlations were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient. As a result of exploratory factor analysis with Promax rotation, a single factor structure with two components and 15 items were obtained. While alpha reliability of the scale was obtained as 0.967, the reliability of the components, 0.93 and 0.83 were obtained respectively. The results of CFA indicated that factor structure fit with the data. It is concluded that the scale is reliable and valid tool for measuring the attitudes of the students towards project based learning.

Key words: Project Based Learning, Attitude, Primary School Students

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