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Research Article

EEO. 2013; 12(4): 981-999

The Relationship between IT Teachers’ Awareness of Turkey’s ICT Vision and Their Teaching Activities

Pınar Mutlu,Mukaddes Erdem.


The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the primary school IT teachers’ awareness of Turkey’s ICT vision and their teaching activities. The working group of the research included 77 primary school IT teachers. In the study, firstly Turkey’s ICT vision and strategy were analyzed. Teaching activities supporting each strategy were identified and a scale was developed. This scale was administered to teachers online. According to the results of the study, 27.3 % of ICT teachers stated that they knew about Turkey’s ICT vision, and 24.7 % of them stated that they did not know anything about it. It was seen that there was a significant difference between the teaching activities of teachers in terms of their knowledge about ICT vision.

Key words: Vision, ICT Vision of Turkey, Information Technology Teacher, Instructional Activity

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