This case series has been prepared to create a perspective to evaluate blunt heart trauma, in which physical and psychological effects of trauma are seen together, in clinical forensic medicine practices. Case 1:A-50-year-old female patient with a history of hypertension had a heart attack in the first 24 hours after blunt trauma, she had an angiography and a coronary stent inserted. Case 2: A 60-year-old woman with no known disease fell after one of the children who entered her garden without permission kicked her ; she had angiography within 24 hours due to chest pain and stenocardia and found that she had coronary heart disease. Case 3: A 60-year-old man with a history of atherosclerotic heart disease had argued with neighbours and had a blow to his chest; in the emergency service, hospitalization was recommended to the patient due to left bundle branch block and troponin results; However, he refused hospitalization and left the hospital. Forensic medical evaluation of heart attack and rhythm disorders after blunt chest trauma or arguments is an important issue. Medical evaluation in terms of heart damage following blunt chest traumas is one of the factors that contribute to forensic reports prepared after the incident.
Key words: Blunt chest trauma, heart damage, rhythm disorders, forensic report