The World Health Organization report in 2018 estimated 234,000 deaths due to tuberculosis (TB) in children less than 15 years; 40,000 of them occurring in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected children. These deaths represent 15% of all TB deaths. This study aimed to determine the clinical spectrum and outcome of childhood TB at Mohamed Alamin Hamid Pediatric Hospital TB management unit. Retrospective observational hospital-based study was conducted during January 2017-December 2018, in children aged 0-18 years who were diagnosed with TB. A total of 174 patients were enrolled in this study. The majority of patientsÂ’ ages ranged from 5 to 17 years (111, 63.8%). Most of the patients were males (92, 52.9%) and (142, 81.6%) resided in Khartoum State. Lung opacity and hailer parenchymal shadows were the common presenting features (83, 47.7%) in chest X-ray. Sputum for acid-fast bacilli was positive in only 20 (11.5%) patients. Testing for HIV was negative in 41 (23.6%) patients and was not done in 133 (76.4%). A total of 107 (61.5%) children were diagnosed as having pulmonary TB; extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB)
was 67 (38.5%). Tuberculous lymphadenitis was the commonest type of EPTB and was diagnosed in 38 (56.7%) patients. The majority 94 (87.9%) completed their treatment and 13 (12.1%) with smear-positive results were cured. Defaulters were 20 (11.5%), and 6 patients (3.4%) retreated after default, 11 (6.3%) were transferred out, and 14 (8%) are still on treatment. Thirteen patients (7.5%) died, and the outcome of three patients was not documented.
Key words: Tuberculosis; tuberculosis management unit; pulmonary; extra-pulmonary tuberculosis; treatment outcome; children; Sudan.