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Research Article

EEO. 2019; 18(3): 1007-1015

An Examination of Loneliness And Emotional Autonomy as the Predictor of Empathic Tendency among Adolescents

Mehmet Engin Deniz,Abdullah Ensar Uzun.


The main purpose of this study is to examine loneliness and emotional autonomy as predictors of empathic tendency in adolescents. The sample of the study consists of students, who are studying 9th, 10th and 11th grades of different high schools existing in city center of Başakşehir in İstanbul at 2017-2018 school year. Totally 277 students (150 female, 127 male) participate in this study. The relational survey method was used in this study. The data were collected through UCLA Loneliness Scale, Emotional Autonomy Scale and Empathic Tendency Scale. According to the results of the research, there is a significant negative correlation between the loneliness of the adolescents and the empathic tendency levels. In this context, loneliness is a significant predictor of empathic tendency. There is a significant positive relationship between emotional autonomy and empathic tendency levels of adolescents. In this context, emotional autonomy is a significant predictor of empathic tendency.

Key words: Adolescents, loneliness, emotional autonomy, empathic tendency

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