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J App Pharm Sci. 2021; 11(5): 135-140

In vitro evaluation of the vasodilatory activity of ethanol extracts of Eleutherine bulbosa bulbs and leaves

Ika Fikriah, Sjarif Ismail, Khemasili Kosala.

Cited by 1 Articles

The aim of this study was to examine and compare the vasodilatory activities of ethanol extracts of Eleutherine bulbosa bulbs (EBBs) and leaves (EBLs) on isolated aortas from Wistar rats, with and without endothelium. EBBs and leaves EBLs were washed with clean water and chopped and dried in a 60°C drying cabinet. Extraction was carried out by maceration using an ethanol solvent. The collected filtrate was concentrated using a vacuum evaporator, and the concentrated liquid was dried further in a 60°C oven. By carrying out relevant bioassays, the ethanol extracts of EBBs and leaves EBLs were evaluated using Wistar rat aortic rings, with and without endothelium in Krebs– Henseleit solution. Aortic rings were precontracted with phenylephrine solution, and after reaching the plateaued peak contraction, a single dose of the extract solution was administered, and the contractility was measured. The percentage of aortic dilation was presented as mean ± SD and statistically analyzed using the t-test, deemed significantly different if the p-value was < 0.05. The results showed that E. bulbosa leaf extracts induced vasodilation of aortic rings without endothelium, which was stronger than E. bulbosa bulb EBB extracts, indicating the vasodilatory activity through the endothelium-independent vascular smooth muscle.

Key words: Aorta, bulbs, Eleutherine bulbosa, leaves, vasodilation

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