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Research Article

EEO. 2013; 12(2): 356-366

The Study of Validity and Reliability of the Attitude Scale on the Subject of Geometric Objects for the Prospective Teachers

Nejla GÜREFE,Adnan KAN.


One of the most important factors that affects on students in education is their teacher. There is a positive correlation between teachers’ attitude toward teaching of their lesson and students’ attitude toward this lesson. Also, the students of a teacher who shows a positive attitude toward her lesson will have a positive attitude too, and as a result, they will be more successful. For this reason, the attitude of teachers is very important. It is necessary to detect the teachers who have a negative attitude toward their lesson. Their attitudes must be changed into positive. However, attitudes may not change easily. Therefore, when prospective teachers were studying at the university, measuring and detecting the attitudes of teachers’ become more significant means. In this study, a measuring instrument that aims to measure the prospective mathematics teachers’ attitude toward the subject of geometric objects, sub-learning area of geometry, was developed. A questionnaire was administered to 306 university students in order to determine its reliability and validity. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were done for construct validity. The findings showed that this instrument has three factors structure model. This model explains an important part of the variance (%60.016). Cronbach-Alfa and test re-test reliability coefficients were found for reliability. These findings show that this scale is valid and reliable.

Key words: Geometric Object, Attitude, Scale Development, Validity, Reliability

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