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Research Article

EEO. 2013; 12(1): 132-147

Teachers’ Opinions on the Realization Level of Primary Education’s Objectives

Celal Teyyar UĞURLU.


This research aims to reveal the primary school teachers’ views on the realization level of primary education objectives, obstacles to the realization of these objectives and the behaviors of the teachers against the obstacles. Research was carried out by using quantitative and qualitative methods together. To collect quantitative data, 325 teachers working at 10 primary schools in Adıyaman were consulted for their opinions . Qualitative data were collected by applying to the views of two teachers from each 10 schools. As a result of this research, it has been concluded that the objectives of primary education have been performed at ‘high’ and ‘very high’ level according to the teachers. As a result of the qualitative study, it has been found out d that social objectives were realized more than academic objectives, the most important obstacle for the realization of the objective is the lack of interaction with school council and for more effective realization of the primary school objectives , the work of the family unit should be given more attention.

Key words: Objective, primary education, objectives of primary education, teacher.

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