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Research Article

EEO. 2012; 11(4): 979-994

A Case Study about Computational Estimation Strategies of Seventh Graders

Burçak BOZ,Safure BULUT.


This study examined computational estimation strategies of the seventh grade students. A case
study methodology was used and data were collected from five high achievers via an interview session. During the
interview participants were required to solve fifteen computational estimation numerical questions which were
presented in whole number, fraction and decimal and they were asked to explain their reasoning. A theme oriented
matrix was used to analyze the data. The results of the study found that reformulation was the most preferred strategy
and translation and compensation strategies were relatively less preferred strategies by the interviewees. The least
preferred strategy was compensation which was known as adjusting the estimated results according to exact answer.

Key words: computational estimation, strategy, case study, seventh grade

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