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Research Article

EEO. 2012; 11(3): 1093-1111

The Analysis of Kindergarteners` Recognition Degrees of Geometric Shapes



The aim of the study is to determine the degrees of the kindergartens on recognition of geometric
shapes. The study is a descriptive one in which scan model is used. The sample of the study is composed of selected
123 children from five kindergartens. In this study, `The Test to Recognize The Geometric shapes` will be used as data
collection tool. Lawshe (1975) technique is used for content validity. KR 20 (Kudher Richardson- 20) analysis is used
for the reliability of the study. In the light of these results, it is seen that the children in the kindergarten level have
given some wrong answers in the shapes of circle, square, triangle and rectangle to the points. Thus, the teachers
should be informed about geometric shapes teaching in kindergartens. It is seen that the children in kindergarten level
have given some wrong answers to the distracters of geometric shapes. This can stem from using of negative examples
of geometric shapes which is not enough.

Key words: Kindergartens, math, geometric shape.

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