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Research Article

EEO. 2012; 11(3): 790-799

Analysis of the 5th Grade Students’ Turkish Workbooks in terms of Visual Reading Activities

Ali Göçer,Gürkan Tabak.


This study investigates whether the activities presented in 5th grade students’ Turkish workbooks of primary education are qualified enough to meet the acquirements of the 5th grade visual reading given in the curriculum. The investigation is carried out by using the document analysis technique within the framework of the qualitative research approach. 5th grade students’ workbook, which is the publication of the Ministry of National Education, and 5th grade students’ workbook of Engin Publications are determined as the documents to be investigated. The workbooks prepared by both publishing houses include activities to make the students meet the acquirements of visual reading. The thematic distribution of the activities which are directed to visual reading acquirements in both of the students’ workbooks is generally in balance. Besides, it’s seen that there is a lack of activities in students’ workbooks directed to some of the acquirements in the list given at the beginning of the theme, and that some of the activities in students’ workbooks do not exist in the list given at the beginning of the theme.

Key words: Teaching of Turkish, student’s workbook, visual reading acquirements and activities.

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