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Research Article

EEO. 2012; 11(3): 738-747

Loneliness and Life Satisfaction of Adolescents: The Mediator and Moderator Role of Playing Musical Instruments and Joining a Band



The main purpose of this study is to examine the mediator and moderator role of playing musical instruments and joining a band between loneliness and life satisfaction during adolescence. 336 adolescents, ranging in age from 14 to 20 (M = 15:99), all students attending different departments of the secondary school and high school in Denizli participated as subjects in the study. Data were collected using the Personal information survey, the UCLA Loneliness scale and, the Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale. The relationship between loneliness and life satisfaction was not mediated by playing musical instruments and joining a band. Hierarchical regression analysis indicated that variables of playing musical instruments and joining a band did not moderate the relationship between loneliness and life satisfaction. These results are discussed within the scope of the literature.

Key words: Loneliness, life of satisfaction, playing musical instruments, participant in music group, mediator, moderator

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