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Research Article

EEO. 2012; 11(2): 493-511

Analysis of the Relationship between the Communication of the Class Teachers and Their Skills to Solve Interpersonal Problems

Fatma Songül NACAR,Songül TÜMKAYA.


In this study, it has been aimed to research whether the communication and interpersonal problem solving skills of classroom teachers who work in the first level of primary schools are significantly different or not depending upon the variables of gender; age; professional length of service, the school that they graduated from; the socio-economic level of the environment of the school that they work at; classroom level that they work for and if there is a significant relationship between their communication and interpersonal problem solving skills. The scope of the study consists of total 702 teachers that work as a classroom teacher in the first level of primary schools in the central towns of Adana province which are Seyhan, Yüreğir, Çukurova and Sarıçam. “Teacher Communication Skills Scale” was used to measure the teachers’ communication skills, “Interpersonal Problem Solving Inventory” was used to measure the interpersonal problem solving skills and ‘Personal Information Form’ which was prepared by the researcher was used to define the personal characteristics. As a result of the study, it has been found out that there is a difference between the teachers’ communication and interpersonal problem solving skills and the variables of gender, age, professional length of service, the school that they graduated from and the socio-economic level of the school that they work for. We found no difference between communication and interpersonal problem solving skills according to the classroom level that they teach. At the end of the research, it has been found out that there is a significant relationship between the communication and interpersonal problem solving skills of the teachers

Key words: Communication skills, interpersonal problem solving skills, classroom teacher

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