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Research Article

EEO. 2012; 11(2): 408-422

An Adaptation of the Community of Inquiry Index: The Study of Validity and Reliability

Ebru Öztürk.


The purpose of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of The Community of Inquiry Index in a group of Turkish college students. The original questionnaire is in English and is composed of three factors (cognitive presence, social presence and teaching presence) with 34 items. First of all, the original questionnaire was translated into Turkish by the author, and experts’ opinions in terms of language, content, measurement and evaluation were concidered. Finally, the Turkish version was administered to a group of university students (n=140) who were experienced in online learning or blended learning. The factor structure of the inventory was conducted through the confirmatory factor analysis. The findings of the analysis showed that the factor structures of the inventory, which have three sub scales and 34 items, were similar to the original inventory. The internal consistency values of scales range between .79 and .91.

Key words: community of inquiry instrument, social presence, cognitive presence and teaching presence

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