The aim of this study is to explain the developmental case of pre-school childrens writing skills in the light of writing development hypotheses. Case study method, which is a type of qualitative research, was used in the study. 36-72 months old 139 children (75 female, 64 male) attending three different kindergartens in 2010-2011 academic year formed the study group of the study. Writing samples of the children in the study group were collected by the researchers. The samples were analyzed through Sulzby (1986) writing development theory. At the end of the research, it was concluded that in the writing samples of the children, based on the properties of writing development theories, there was an increase in the use of letters and letter clusters and a decrease in the use of pictures and scribbles as the ages of the children rise.
Key words: Preschool children, writing, emergent writing