The aim of this research is to analyze the important events (stories) experienced by PCG staff with their administrators and present some recommendations on the basis of the evaluations done in relation to their effective collaboration. This study, using qualitative data collection techniques, was a descriptive study. In the study; one of the purposeful sampling methods, the easily accessible sampling method was used. The data were collected using a semi-structured interview technique. In this study, findings were obtained in three categories as the results of investigation of the events (stories) which PCG staff experienced with administrators, the reason of the start of events (stories), the behavior patterns in the events (stories) and the results of the events (stories). The large proportions of the important events which PCG staff remembered retroactively were seen to be the adverse events. For this reason, school administrators should provide necessary conditions in order to work with all profession fields in cooperation in the schools and be effective leaders and PCG staff should raise the level of professionalism by acting less emotional in their working lives.
Key words: PCG staff, administrator, event, story