The aim of this study is to determine that if telling time and explanation style is a factor or not for cognitive, emotional and behavioral reaction of 7-12 years old children who lived trauma. Traumas which are lived by the twelve cases are investigated. Interview method was used to collect the data. In the study; 1- It is found that it is general to hide the trauma from children and to tell them later. 2- The answers which are given to childrens questions about trauma are to rescue that moment. 3-It is found that the first moment which the children realized to trauma, they feel defenseless and they continue to deny trauma to cope with the repression of defenselessness. 4- It is found that the emotions which occur as a result of trauma are missing, sadness, disappointment, fear and loneliness. 5- It is found that the children show withdrawal, aggression, insomnia, school absenteeism, and shyness and addiction behaviors after trauma.
Key words: Trauma, death, children, case