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Research Article

EEO. 2010; 9(3): 1055-1079

Primary School Students’ Images of Science and Scientists



The purpose of this study is to investigate primary school students’ images of science and scientists according to gender and grade level. The survey questionnaire used in this study was developed by Song & Kim (1999) based on Chambers’ Draw A Science and Scientists Test. The data, quantitative and qualitative, from the responses of a total of 623 students from five different grade levels (grade 4-8) were analyzed to calculate the relative frequencies of some identified patterns of responses and make comparisons between different genders and age groups. Some noticeable age related and gender differences and similarities were found and discussed. The results of this study may be give useful information to researchers and educators who are interested in student learning contexts, and social, cultural and gender issues in science education.

Key words: Images of science, images of scientists, primary students, primary school

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