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Research Article

EEO. 2014; 13(1): 62-73

Development of Teachers’ Views Scale on Science and Technology Curriculum: A Validity and Reliability Study



The purpose of the present study was to develop Teachers’ Views on Science and Technology Curriculum Scale. The scale was developed considering four themes which are attainments, content, learning-teaching process and evaluation. For the exploratory factor analysis, 290 teachers voluntarily participated in the study. After that, another data set was constituted for confirmatory factor analysis and only 4 cities were included from a larger data set for the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). In total, 348 teachers from 4 different cities (Diyarbakır, İstanbul, İzmir and Konya) voluntarily participated in the second study (CFA). The results of Explotory Factor Analysis (EFA) showed that the scale consisted of 3 sub-scales. Attainments and content which were predetermined as separate factors, constituted one factor. Confirmatory factor analysis verified that the scale with 27 items consists of three subscales and 4 items were eliminated because of low item loading. Cronbach-alpha reliability coefficient of the first sub scale was .91, for the second subscale .86 and for the third sub scale was .85. Findings suggest that the scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool to examine teachers’ views on science and technology curriculum.

Key words: Science and Technology Curriculum, Teachers’ views, Confirmatory factors analysis, Validity, Reliability.

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