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Research Article

EEO. 2011; 10(3): 894-904

Reliability and validity studies of Behavioral Rating Inventory Of Executive Function (BRIEF) in a Turkish normative sample



The aim of this study was to conduct reliability and validity studies of parent and teacher forms of
BRIEF in a Turkish normative sample. Data were obtained from the parents and counselors of 312 healthy
children and adolescents (213 girls, 99 boys) between the age of 5 to 18. Internal consistency study indicated that
both parent and teacher forms of BRIEF make consistent assessments. Moderate levels of consistency and
acceptable levels of item validity were also found between two forms. Construct validity study showed that items
in both forms are appertaining to common neuropsychological constructs. Factor analysis yielded two factor
solution. Findings indicated that Turkish forms of BRIEF were reliable and valid instruments to measure
different dimensions of executive functions.

Key words: neuropsychological assessment, BRIEF, executive functions, reliability, validity

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