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A novel study on recently discovered fatty acid taste detection threshold among young lean and overweight individuals

Ninu Vinodan, Nagaraja Puranik.


Background: It is likely that the sense of taste evolved to alert humans to the nutritive or poisonous nature of possible foods. This study has been undertaken to unravel and highlight a possible relationship between the fat taste threshold and obesity, especially among young population.

Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to detect the fat taste threshold in young lean and overweight individuals and to compare the threshold in these individuals with age- and sex-matched normal individuals.

Materials and Methods: The taste threshold for fat was detected in 50, normal (Body mass index [BMI] (18.5–24.9 kg/m2), lean (BMI

Key words: Fatty Acid Taste Threshold; Lean Individuals; Overweight Individuals; Obesity; Low Concentration; Higher Concentration

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