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Research Article

EEO. 2010; 9(2): 474-483

The Evaluation of School Guidance Services from the Perspective of Preschool Teachers



The purpose of this study is to evaluate the guidance services for nursery classes in primary schools,
which have a guidance teacher, according to the perceptions of preschool teachers. The study was carried out
among 14 preschool teachers employed in the nursery classes of primary schools in Ankara, affiliated with the
Ministry of National Education. For the purpose of this study, easily accessible sampling method is selected
from among purposive sampling methods. The teachers in the sample were interviewed. During the interview
they were asked questions about school guidance unit and its services. Their responses were recorded, and their
expressions were summarized and interpreted using descriptive analysis technique. The findings of the analysis
show that teachers primarily require guidance services to concentrate on children with special needs, children
with behavior problems and children with disabilities in inclusive classes, in short children with problem
behaviors and their families. Training programs for parents are deemed to be of secondary importance. Most of
the teachers stated that they are satisfied with current guidance services and that they do not have any other
expectations from the guidance unit.

Key words: school guidance services, preschool teachers, elementary school.

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