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Research Article

EEO. 2010; 9(1): 79-92

Raising the Quality in Qualitative Research



Qualitative research is an approach which focuses on researching social facts in their context
by aiming theory formation. People’s lives, their experiences, behaviours, emotions, feelings as well as social
functioning, social movements, cultural events, and international relations may be the subject matter of
qualitative research. It is clear that such research has been increasing recently in social sciences. In parallel to
this increase, the problem of conducting high quality research has emerged. This research aims at such
concepts as reliability and validity- which are employed in qualitative research- as well as other alternate
concepts, and a theoretical examination of the strategies for performing high quality research. It is stressed in
this paper that researchers’ use of such strategies as iterative questioning, choosing random samples, detailed
quotations, concentrating on ties, analysis forms, determining the limits of the research, self-evaluation
(reflection, being affected by the action), discovering the conflicting cases, searching for negative cases and
alternative explanation, triangulation, peer debriefing, thick description, audit trail, longitudinal research
design and member checking (getting feedback, communicative validation) are likely to raise the quality of

Key words: qualitative research, reliability and validity, quality of research

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