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Research Article

EEO. 2010; 9(1): 23-30

The Levels of Anxiety and Hopelessness of Primary Education Children with Speech Disorders and of Their Parents*



The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of anxiety and hopelessness of primary education children with speech disorders and of their parents. For the general aim of the research, 23 children who were receiving special education at Bursa BESMER Special Education and Rehabilitation Center and diagnosed with speech disorders and their parents formed the sample of this study with a total of 46 subjects. For the data collection procedure, Beck’s Hopelessness Scale was used as an instrument to determine their hopelessness level, motivation loss, feelings about the future and expectations for the future; and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was used to determine their level of state and trait anxiety. Results indicated that the hopelessness, state and trait anxiety levels of children having speech disorders were at medium level; parents’ hopelessness level was low and state and trait anxiety levels were at medium level. It was determined that both children’s and parents’ hopelessness level of feelings and expectation for the future were low; the motivation level was medium for children and low for parents.

Key words: Speech disorders, anxiety, hopelessness.

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