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Research Article

EEO. 2017; 16(4): 1897-1907

A Research on use of Educational Music Applications at Mobile Devices, by Middle Schools Students



Internet and computers not only provide people with real-time communication and interaction, but also make the peoples' life more enjoyable and aesy in many area, thanks to the applications they have in them. Computers and the internet applications are quite effective in the musical area. Computers and portable computers can contribute to music education for people by helping them write simple or complex compositions and even make the music learning process more enjoyable by transforming it into a game. These applications interact with the user through interactive structures, sometimes acquiring acquisitions such as increasing their familiarity with sounds and sometimes using their own sounds. In this research, it is aimed to examine the use of mobile applications by junior high school students and to obtain opinions about the level of utilization of these applications.

Key words: Mobil applications, Educational music applications, Computer based music education

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