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Research Article

EEO. 2019; 18(2): 584-599

Views of Foreign Language Teachers and Secondary School Students About the Elective English Course

Eda Duman Öz,Gürcü Koç Erdamar.


The aim of this study is to identify the views of teachers and students regarding the elective English course which is offered for four terms in secondary schools. The study, which was designed as a case study of qualitative research methods, was conducted with 20 English teachers and 30 secondary school students. The data were obtained by semi-structured interview forms developed by the researchers and analyzed using content analysis. According to the findings obtained from the research; among the reasons for the selection of the course is the interest of the students in English and family orientation. It is understood that the two most important expectations are the development of English proficiency and speaking skills of the students. The vast majority of teachers and students think that the elective English course contributes to compulsory English lesson. Regarding course content, it is determined that most of the teachers are not satisfied with the content but the students are satisfied. According to participant's opinion, the most important problem in the Elective English course is the lack of course and guide books. In addition, both groups recommend that the course schedule be specified and prepared differently from the compulsory English course schedule.

Key words: Elective lesson, elective English lesson, views of teachers and students, qualitative research

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