This paper attempts to outline the needs for action research component for the elementary pre-service TESL teachers in the institute of teacher education in Malaysia. The action research component used to be the compulsory final assessment for the pre-service teachers. However, the curriculum revamp in 2015 provided the pre-service teachers with the options of doing action or conventional research. It is a worrying development as the potential for most students to opt for convenional research over action research is great due to the perceived difficulty of the later. This will reduce the role of the teacher in research as a mere observer rather than an active agent of change. This paper would present a case for action research by providing the background information on the development of action research in Malaysia and also the issue of teacher quality. The case is further supported by a discusssion on the concept of action research and also the significance of action research in the context of teacher professional development.
Key words: Action research, pre-service, teacher education, Malaysia, elementary school