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Intrauterine Insemination- Can we make it more successful?

Siddhartha Chatterjee, Bishista Bagchi, Arpan Chatterjee.

Cited by 2 Articles

The success rate of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) to a great extent depends on the selection of the cohort of women undergoing the procedure. IUI is found to be beneficial in cases of unexplained infertility, unilateral tubal block or patients having early endometriosis with good tubo-ovarian relation. When ovulation stimulation with gonadotropins is undertaken success rate of IUI increases further. It is definitely helpful in younger patients but with advanced age the success rate declines. Usually the group of women more than 35years of age have been seen to be unfavourable with the procedure. [1] Overall success rate of IUI is not more than 20% even in best hands. In some highly selected cases where Post-coital Cervical Mucus and Intra-uterine Aspirate Test (PCT-IUA) proves poor sperm entry, IUI may be beneficial and pregnancy rate goes upto 40-45%. [2] In case of good sperm entry there is about 60% spontaneous conception and IUI is of limited value with only 2% success rate. [2] [3]

Key words: intrauterine insemination

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