The purpose of this research is to study the psychometric properties of informal assessment tools, Educational Assessment Record Form (EARF) and Prognosis of Learning Rate Record Form (PLRRF), which appear in the third edition of Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning-3, ASIEP-3. The rationale for the research is the lack of standardised informal assessment tools to use for the educational assessment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Turkey. The study group consists of students, who receive education at three private institutions for special education and rehabilitation. A total of 126 students who are diagnosed with ASD and intellectual disability (ID) were included in the study group of EARF, 91 male and 35 female. And in the study group of PLRRF, a total of 131 students who are diagnosed with ID and ASD were included, 97 male and 34 female. The data that were obtained from the study requiring data collection based on performance feedback were analysed in order to assess the validity and reliability of the tools. The findings from the analysis revealed that both tools were valid and reliable to be used for educational assessments and prognosis of learning rate of children with ASD.
Key words: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Informal Assessment, Educational Assessment, Prognosis of Learning Rate