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Research Article

EEO. 2011; 10(1): 40-50

A Comparative Study into Early Learning Skills of FiveSix-Year Old Children and Their Social Adaptation and Skills

Adalet KANDIR, Maide ORÇAN.


This study aims to investigate the relationship between the early learning skills of five or sixyear-old children and their social adaptation and skills. The sampling of the study consisted of 97 children at the age of five-six attending to the kindergartens of primary schools acting under the Ministry of Education and their parents in Selçuklu, in the city of Konya. In the analysis of the data, frequencies and percentages pertaining to children and parents were given and also correlation values about relationship between early learning skills and social adaptation and skills were analyzed. As a conclusion, it was determined that there is a positive relation between early learning skills scores and social adaptation skills scores.

Key words: Early learning skills, thinking skills, language skills, number skills and social adaptation and skills

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