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Review Article

The Problem of Older Pre-School-Age Children’s Awareness of their Skills in Educational Situations

Olga Vitalievna Dybina.


This article is devoted to the consideration of such a phenomenon as the development of the child’s personality, which provides them with an understanding of themselves, the discovery of their own experiences and possibilities. The author gives a definition of the concepts of "awareness", "skill", "educational situations" and makes an attempt to distinguish between these concepts. The article notes that to realize is to understand oneself, to comprehend one’s attitude towards oneself and others. The author provides a review of national literature on the study of this problem. The article describes the scope of scientific areas in the context of which the problem of developing children’s awareness of their own skills and the role of educational situations in this process is studied. The paper presents the author's definition of children's awareness of their skills in educational situations. Attention is drawn to the fact that children's awareness of their skills is possible taking into account the age and individual characteristics of older preschoolers. The article reveals the specifics of the process: from modeling educational situations to expanding children's understanding of their skills and mastering the ways of their awareness. Teachers can use diagnostic tasks in their practical activities. Of special interest are developed educational situations, their practical significance is undeniable, they allow children, without any coercion and in an accessible form, to master the ways of representing their skills.

Key words: older pre-school-age children, skills, awareness of one’s skills, educational situations, diagnostic tasks.

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