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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 2382-2395

Relationship between social loneliness and dissatisfaction and family life quality in early childhood

Elif Yavuz,Zeliha Yazıcı.


In this study, the relationship between 66-72 months old children’s loneliness and social dissatisfaction at school and their family life quality was examined. The study included 194 kindergarten children who are 5-6 years old. As the data collection instruments, the personal information gained by the researchers, the Loneliness & Social Dissatisfaction Scale (60-72 months), and the Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale were administered. As a result of the study, children in this sample generally reported high levels of loneliness-social dissatisfaction. A negative relationship between loneliness-social dissatisfaction of children and family quality of life was found. As a result, it was seen that the only significant predictor of loneliness and social dissatisfaction scores of children is the emotional well-being subscale. This result shows that the emotional well-being of children in the context of family life quality is the most effective factor in the loneliness and social dissatisfaction.

Key words: Loneliness, social dissatisfaction, family quality of life, early childhood

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