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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 2307-2321

Development of analytical thinking tendency scale: Validity and reliability study

Gökhan Aksu,Mehmet Taha Eser.


This study aims to develop an analytical thinking tendency scale for university students. In this direction, a draft scale, consisting of 50 items, was applied to 574 university students. The obtained data were subjected to reliability tests, explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA-CFA). The factor analysis showed that the scale is composed of 2 factors. The percentage of variance explained by the factors was calculated as 43%. The fit indexes of the model obtained via CFA showed that the fit indexes of the two-factor structure are sufficient. Considering the reliability coefficients and AVE values calculated within the scope of the research, it can be said that the measurement results are reliable, and the divergent validity of the measurement results is provided. As a result of analyzes, a 5-score Likert type analytical thinking tendency scale consisting of 19-items was developed. According to the findings, it is determined that the analytical thinking tendency scale is a valid and a reliable assessment tool.

Key words: Analytical thinking tendency, scale development, reliability, validity

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