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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 1948-1962

An investigation into mathematics-related pedagogical content knowledge of preschool educators based on institution type

Yusuf Argın,Hacer Elif Dağlıoğlu.


This study aimed to investigate the level of mathematics-related pedagogical knowledge of educators working in preschool institutions. This descriptive study included 153 participants working as educators at preschool institutions affiliated to the Turkish Ministry of National Education or operated independently (private), or at kindergartens affiliated to the Turkish Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services (MFLSS). The educators’ knowledge levels were examined using the “Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Early Childhood Mathematics Education” scale, which was developed by Smith (1998) and adapted to the Turkish context by Aksu and Kul (2017). The scale consists of 15 items with 6 dimensions focused on numbers, patterns, sorting, shapes, spatial perception, and comparison. SPSS version 23 statistical software was used to analyze the data. The results of the study suggested that the pedagogical levels of the educators were low. Educators working at kindergartens operated by the MFLSS had significantly lower levels of pedagogical knowledge than educators working at other institutions, and the education level of those working at state preschools were higher than those working at other kindergartens.

Key words: Preschool education, educator, mathematics-related pedagogical content knowledge, education level

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