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Case Report

IJPRT. 2021; 11(1): 40-43

A Case Report on Naproxen Induced Psoriasis: The Immunosuppressant and Corticosteroid Therapy

sunil kumar salkapuram, keerthana Mallu, irfan syed, sarala vaddu.


Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory mucocutaneous skin disorder clinically characterized by erythematous, sharply demarcated papules and rounded plaques covered by a silverywhite micaceous scales. In this case study a 58 years old male patient was having spinal pain since 1 year and he was on continuous medication like naproxen to manage the spinal pain. Where suddenly he developed a erythematous fluid filled lesions on all over the body like chest, abdomen, stomach & lower limbs within 3 days. It is one of the most severe adverse drug reaction seen in this study. We are reporting that it is a drug induced chronic plaque psoriasis and the patient was treated with systemic corticosteroidal therapy, Immunosuppressants, vitamin d analogues and some topical creams like steroids.

Key words: Erosions, papules, Plaques , Erythroderma, lesions

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