The aim of this study is the transformation of Demirel Analytic Curriculum Evaluation Model-DAPDEM developed by Demirel in 2006 into Curriculum Evaluation Model-KÖNDEM in order to be used in evaluation of the curricula. In KÖNDEM the evaluation of the curriculum is foreseen to be based on desk-based curriculum analysis and curriculum analysis with stakeholder/beneficiary opinions. The first dimension comprises the evaluation of the curriculum itself and the written materials related to the curriculum. In the second dimension, it is aimed at evaluating the curriculum with the opinions of the students, teachers, principals, graduate students, parents, sector representatives, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who are affected by the curriculum. In both of the dimensions, the analysis of the draft and existing curricula and the comparative analyses of the draft/existing/previous curricula is done. In the model, it is set forth that the analyses should be actualized in context, aim /objective/ attainment, content, learning-teaching processes and evaluation dimensions.
Key words: Curriculum evaluation, curriculum analysis, Demirels analytic curriculum evaluation model- DAPDEM, Curriculum development model-KÖNDEM