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Research Article

EEO. 2008; 7(2): 323-332

Predictive Validity of the Science and Technology Pre-service Teachers’ Civil Servant Selection Examination

Ramazan BASTURK.


The purpose of this study was to examine the predictor validity of the Civil Servant Selection Examination (KPSS) for Science and Technology pre-service teachers. This study explored the correlation between the pre-service science and technology teachers’ KPSS performance and their Student Selection Examination (ÖSS) and their Undergraduate Grade Point Average (ÜNO). 189 pre-service teachers were participated for this study. Pearson correlation and multiple regressions analysis were used to analyses the data. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between ÖSS and ÜNO but there is a significant relationship between ÜNO and KPSS performance and ÖSS and KPSS performance. However both relationships were low. As a result, both ÖSS and UNO were significant and valid predictor of KPSS performance.

Key words: Civil Servant Selection Examination, Predictive validity, Teacher recruiting; Science teachers

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