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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(1): 198-207

The effectiveness of the integration of open-ended and collaborative (OE-C) learning strategies in reducing gaps of elementary school students’ creative thinking skills

Eni Titikusumawati,Cholis Sa'dijah,Abdur Rahman As’ari,Hery Susanto.


This study examines a blend of open-ended and collaborative learning strategies (OE-C) in comparison to other strategies in minimizing the gap of creative thinking skills between Upper Academic (UA) and Lower Academic (LA) students. The population of this study was 136 fifth grade students of an elementary school in Salatiga, Indonesia. The sample consisted of each 68 UA and 68 LA students categorized by intact group technique sampling. Research method employed was the 4x2 factorial design. The students’ creative thinking skills were measured with open-ended validated problem testing, focusing on students’ fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Data were analysed using ANCOVA with the pre-test score as the covariate. Findings suggest that OE-C learning strategy is the most effective learning method to elevate students’ creative thinking skills. Further, the OE-C learning strategy also serves as the most efficient to reduce gaps of creative thinking skills.

Key words: Creative thinking, open-ended, collaborative, lecture method

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