This paper discusses the place of evolutionary theory in science curriculum and teaching practices in
USA and in Turkey. Anti-evolution works of similar institutions both in USA and Turkey are also compared. The
controversy regarding the teaching of evolution has been an issue in both countries. However, legal actions and
educational research about the factors affecting the teaching of evolutionary theory in classrooms took place mostly
in USA. In the article five main topics were addressed: (a) importance of evolutionary theory in science, (b)
controversy on teaching of evolution (c) place of theory of evolution in elementary and secondary science curriculum
in USA and in Turkey, (d) teachers attitudes toward theory of evolution, and (e) students understanding about the
theory of evolution and related topics. Factors and policies affecting the teaching of evolution in classroom in Turkey
are also discussed. In conclusion, anti-evolution movements in Turkey which shows similarities with the antievolution propaganda in USA was found effective in terms of influencing educational policies and practices about
the teaching of evolutionary theory in classrooms as well as public opinion on evolution.
Key words: Evolution, creationism, controversy, science curriculum, teachers attitudes, students understanding