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Research Article

EEO. 2009; 8(1): 243-253

Seventh Grade Students’ Success on the Topics of Area and Perimeter

Gülçin TAN ŞİŞMAN, Meral AKSU.


The purpose of this study is to investigate 7th grade students’ success on the topics of area and
perimeter. The study was conducted with 134 seventh grade students attending one of the public elementary schools
in Ankara. A test including eight open-ended questions developed by the researchers was used as data collection
instrument. The data were analyzed through the use of descriptive statistics methods. The results of the study
revealed that majority of the seventh grade students participated in the study have serious problems with the
understanding of area and perimeter, have some misconceptions, and have difficulties in using the formulas for area/
perimeter effectively. Based on the findings, suggestions for improving teaching of area and perimeter are addressed.

Key words: Area, perimeter, elementary mathematics education, measurement

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