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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3601-3607

Critical Analysis Of Amish Tripathi's Shiva Trilogy And Its Significance To Indian Literature

Archana Tiwari, Dr. Samir Khan.


The Present study would help the students of literature to know the elements of literary appeal in Amish Tripathi’s novels. It will further validate or refute what Amish Tripathi has professed about India in general and about Lord Shiva in particular. The social significance of the study is far reaching. Shiva is the figure of tremendous importance in India. The present study compares the Shiva of Mythology with Shiva created by Amish Tripathi in his fictional world. It would be a valuable addition to the existing body of studies in mythological literature.
The analysis is carried out in terms of popular myths of Shiva and Shiva created by Amish Tripathi. It also analyses these three novels in terms of Amish Tripathi’s compliance with the stories of Shiva in myth, culture and religion as well as in terms of differences between Amish Tripathi’s Shiva and Shiva in Indian culture.

Key words: Tripathi's , Significance , Indian , Literature

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