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Research Article

EEO. 2004; 3(1): 11-19

A Study on the Effects of Experiment and Game in Remembering, Analyzing, and Synthesizing Balance and Dissolution Concepts at 4th and 5th Grades

Selâmi Yeşilyurt.


This study examined the effects of experiment and game on remembering, analyzing, and synthesizing previously taught concepts, balance and dissolutions, at 4th and 5th grade. Students from different schools we9re included in the study. The students were divided into two groups as control and experimental. In the experimental groups questionnaires were administered. Following the questionnaire, a game was played with students. Towards the end of game, the game was stopped and students were presented a question containing three different cases. Through this question, the students’ ability of remembering the previous knowledge and its use were measured. The data were analyzed by using statistical techniques. Based on the findings some suggestions for teaching and curriculum development were provided.

Key words: Balance, dissolution, 4th and 5th grade primary education

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