During the last two years the Ministry of National Education (MoNE)/TTKB in Turkey formed a special committee to change the previous mathematics curricula for the primary school, and develop a new and contemporary one so that it reflects new trend and innovations. For example, on one hand problem solving in the new curriculum becomes the backbone while shuffling and filtering contents, on the other hand the teaching and learning process was based on constructivist approach so that the uses of various concrete and cognitive tools, e.g. information and communication technologies, in particular computer and calculator are emphasized and recommended in the designed and developed student-centered activities to visualize and deepen the understanding of mathematics concepts, and to solve real word problems. In this context, development of habits of mind and skills in problem solving, investigation and making right decision are determined and listed for each grade level of primary school. In the present study, the objectives, contents and acquisition of the new mathematics curricula which were piloted in seven geographical regions are explained, and to achieve the aforementioned goals our personal views, a set of remarks and suggestions are proposed briefly.
Key words: Curriculum for primary mathematics; Mathematics instruction, Problem solving, Use of technology, Constructive approach