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Khalid Mohammed Alabdulwahhab.


From Editor’s Desk…

Since May 2022, more than 60,000 cases of MPX have been reported in places where it has never been seen before, like the United States (US) and Europe, among people who have never been to an area where it is common. Monkeypox is mostly reported in Central and West Africa, but cases have been reported in high-income countries due to travel and exotic pet trade.

At this time, cases are being reported all over the world. There is a lack of clarity regarding the transmission, risk factors, clinical presentation, and outcomes of the infection.It is considered that the MPXV virus can only transmit when it comes into touch with bodily fluids, droplets from the lungs, or lesions. The MPXV virus can also be passed between people through sexual contact. In order to prevent the virus from spreading further, it is essential to understand how it does so.

According to a report published by the CDC, monkeypox could continue to spread indefinitely in the United States at a low level and it is extremely improbable that monkeypox will be eradicated from the United States in the near future. However, there has been an increase in the number of vaccines that are available, and people are becoming more knowledgeable about how to protect themselves against infection. This has led to a slowdown of the outbreak.

Dr. Khaid Mohammed Alabdulwahhab
Editor in Chief

Key words: Editorial

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