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TAF Prev Med Bull. 2004; 3(8): 178-185


Cengiz,Han,AÇIKEL*, Selim,,KILIÇ, Muharrem,,UÇAR, Hakan,,YAREN, Türker,,TÜRKER.


The aim of this study was determine smoking prevalence and the factors which effect smoking behavior, among Health Noncommissioned Officers College, that in Gülhane Military Medical Academy. This cross-sectional study was performed at February 2004. Population of study has been defined as, the students continue education in Health Noncommissioned Officers College on 2003-04 period. In our study we found that, 50.3% of students have used cigarette in any period of their life, and the prevalence of students who declare smoking one or more cigarette every day is 44.9%. Affect of friends (58.3%), and pleasure (47.2%) is 1st and 2nd reasons start smoking. Price is the most effective factor of cigarette availability. In our study, economic reasons are reported as 2nd reason of give up smoking (56.3%) after health counter effect (71.3%). The prevalence of smoking among Health Noncommissioned Officers College students is quite high than other studies, which performed in high schools and colleges in our country. Intention of give up smoking is hopeful, but results aren?t satisfying. This situation shows the importance and need of effective give up smoking programs for adolescents.

Key words: Student, smoking, health personnel

Article Language: Turkish English

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