Background. Mortality data provides the most important indicators for the evaluation and comparison of health status at the local, national, and international level. Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze mortality indicators for the period 2011 - 2020 by monitoring trends for ten years to determine the changes. Methods. The basis for mortality indicators are data from the Institute for Statistics of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mortality is also shown through general mortality rates, Standardized Death Rate (SDR) and leading causes of death for 2020. We calculated Standardized Death Rate per 100,000 for each study year (2011 2020) using the direct method, based on the 1976 ESP and age - specific crude rates. Microsoft Excel 2010 was used. Results. In Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2020, the general mortality rate per 100,000 populations was 1,191.3 and it is recorded an increase compared to 2019, when it had a value of 1,005.6, while in 2011 the value was 897.3. The standardized death rate (SDR) for all causes and age groups per 100,000 inhabitants in 2020 for Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) was 818.0 and it is slightly higher compared to the EU average. The standardized mortality rate for males is 1,002.1 in 2020, while for females it is 664.2 for 2020. COVID-19 is currently the 1th leading cause of death in the Federation of Bosna and Hercegovina in 2020. Conclusion: The number of leading diseases that were the cause of death is increasing accordingly. These increases of leading disease may reflect disruptions in health care in Federation BiH in 2020, or underreporting of COVID-19, or other reason which should be researched in the future. The goal is to reduce the number of deaths from non-communicable diseases in the Federation of Bosna and Hercegovina through clear guidelines and recommendations.
Key words: trend in mortality, crude mortality rate, standardized mortality rates